CPU: Pentium III+ (KNI/MMX2), AMD Athlon (AMD EMMX)
Type of instruction: User

Instruction: PREFETCHxx src

Prefetch src memory into cache.
PREFETCH0 src - Temporal Data
Prefetch into all caches levels
PREFETCH1 src - Prefetch to all caches, except L1
PREFETCH2 src - Prefetch to all caches, except L1 and L2
PREFETCHNTA src - Non Temporal with respect to all cache levels -
prefetch to non-temporal cache structure

Physical Form and Timing:
PREFETCHNTA mem ---- 0F 18 /0 ---- ?
PREFETCH0 mem ---- 0F 18 /1 ---- ?
PREFETCH1 mem ---- 0F 18 /2 ---- ?
PREFETCH2 mem ---- 0F 18 /3 ---- ?

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