Opcode CALL

CPU: 8086+
Type of Instruction: User

Instruction: CALL procadr

Physical form:
| Near call - withing the same segment
| Far call - call to another segment

E8 cw CALL rel16 ; Near call, operand specifies relative displacement to next instruction
E8 cd CALL rel32 ; Near call, operand specifies relative displacement to next instruction
FF /2 CALL r/m16 ; Near call, absolute address
FF /2 CALL r/m32 ; Near call, absolute address
9A cd CALL ptr16:16 ; Far call, absolute addres
9A cp CALL ptr16:32 ; Far call, absolute address
FF /3 CALL m16:16 ; Far call, absolute address
FF /3 CALL m16:32 ; Far call, absolute address

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